This week Robs grandfather passed away after a long struggle with advanced Alzheimers. It's a sad time for him and his family, and even though I never had the chance to meet Papaw, it's a sad time for me as well as I watch him struggle with the loss. In an effort to be a supportive fiance, I decided to do everything I could to get him ready for the trip to Louisiana, this included updating all of the patches and ribbons and other various insignia on the "Bravos"
This task is a royal pain in the you-know-what!!!
The easiest part was the ribbons, I googled the USCG Uniform Regulations to find out what order they needed to go in. The ribbons all slide onto a bar that then attaches to the coat above the pocket... easy. However; the patch that indicates his rank and assignment on the coat sleeve was out of date. I had to take it off and put a new one on, which sounds easy enough.... until you realize what that means.
FIRST, all the patches are made the same way and have three red bars on them regardless of your rank. Rob only needs two bars, so I had to cut and alter the patch. THEN take off the old patch. THEN attach the new one, by hand, in the perfect position (with no outlines), through the coat and it's lining. I do not consider myself a seamstress by ANY stretch of the imagination. It took me 6 hours...

...but it did NOT defeat me.
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