Sunday, January 6, 2013

Homeschool in T minus 11 hours

Well, it's starting!

After a year of downloading, Pinterest hunting, laminating, researching, and hard hard work, we start our home-school curriculum this week... tomorrow in fact!

I set up Joe's school corner this week so he could become accustomed to it being there and his toys being moved.  He's very pleased with himself and his new "Joe sized" table and chairs :-)  Here you can see him playing with his play dough.  The walls are still a little bare, that will change as we start to dig in to the curriculum.  He does have a calender hanging above his desk though, you just can't really see it in this picture.

Right now the goals are small and simple, they are also different than that of most two year olds because Joe is speech delayed.  Things can and probably will change rapidly once we get the communication "explosion".  We will do 1 hour of guided play per day, with a different letter of the alphabet being emphasized each week.  At the end of the alphabet circuit we will address his development and either repeat it again, or move up.  Right now these are our goals.

Be able to sing the Alphabet
Be able to count to 10
Increase attention span to 15 minute tasks or projects
Be able to follow 2 step directions
Be able to identify actions from pictures (ie. show me who is happy, who is sad?)
Be able to put two words together to express desires and emotions (i.e Drink Mommy or Go Byebye or I hurt)

Here's to the next chapter!


  1. Good luck, Jordan was speech delayed, He didn't start talking till he was 3 1/2, and with 3 other kids I kind of forgot to teach him the basics. Like the ABC's and counting because he wouldn't repeat. Should have still done it. He would have learned it. Oh well. It took till about the 2nd grade till he was caught up. Keep up the good work.

  2. I didn't know you were blogging again! I guess in all the phone conversations it never came up! Love this background...almost used it myself!
