Monday, November 9, 2009

Where I've Been--

It's been a while, I know, but I have good reason to have let my blog slip to the bottom of my to do list:

I went to go help out with my best friends new baby!  Isn't she so cute?  (That onesie is a really bright pink, but the camera made it look kinda redish :-/)

Then I promptly contracted swine flu on the flight home... THAT has not been so cute :-/

My blogging will probably continue to be pretty sporatic this month as well due to the fact that Rob and I leave for Louisiana in 9 days!  So my computer access will be limited, but I will do my best.  In the meantime, now that I no longer have Swine Flu I will at least change things out to be a bit more seasonally appropriate!

Happy (delayed) Pink Saturday!


  1. Hi Jenicillin!
    It is so wonderful to see you again. I am sorry to hear you have had the swine flu, but looks to me like "precious" was worth every bit of it. She is a doll baby.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a great time in Louisiana. Are you flying? If so, have you taken your flu shot?

    Take care sweetie, Country hugs, Sherry

  2. I love the looks of your blog. You do a terrific job. Hope you have continued in better health. I am on my way to help with my new grandchild. Hope your trip is great.
