Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mosaic Monday

Happy Mosaic Monday!!  It feels good to be blogging again, even if it is a little sporatic right now!  Be sure to stop by Little Red House and see what others have posted!

Yesterday Rob and I went to the Oakland Zoo.  It was a lot of fun, it had been years since either of us had been to a zoo, and Oakland has a surprisingly nice zoo!  We watched the elephant feeding (which was surprisingly anti-climactic) and saw 6 different breeds of monkeys.

Good day :-)


  1. I love going the different zoo's. Great pictures and memories. Wonderful mosaic.

  2. Such fun! We don't have elephants anymore at the Philadelphia Zoo. Have a great week!

  3. Oh what fun! I haven't been to the zoo since my kids were little. thanks for sharing at MM. :)
