Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wedding Wednesday

Welcome to Wedding Wednesday, where bridesmaid dresses have been chosen!!

My awesome MOH (Maid of Honor) picked them out and I love them because the chiffon fabric really compliments my dress!  She's also making jewlery to compliment my dress, check out the link to her Etsy shop in my side bar.  Anyway the dress is from J-Crew which, it turns out, has developed an entire wedding line.  Apparently this is the new trend for popular retailers... Ann Taylor has a wedding line too (who'd have thought it?)  Now on to finding shoes for them... and for me :-)  See you tomorrow for Eye Spy Thursday!


  1. Oh Jenicillin:
    How beautiful is the color, the style and the soft looking flow. Your MOH did a beautiful job in choosing. Can't wait to see the shoes and accessories for each. Just beautiful honey, just beautiful. Please stop by and say hi. I love to have you visit. Country hugs, Sherry

  2. The chiffon does compliment your dress perfectly! Now to check on those table runners!
