Friday, August 27, 2010

I really need to blog... I mean it this time


I don't know what I was thinking trying to keep up with blogging, memes, taking and uploading a bazillion pictures, all while getting down to the wire planning a wedding, and then planning a cross country move!!!

So... Here are a couple of mosaics for you so you can see how life has been :-)

First: The Wedding!  It was beautiful!  I loved the way everything turned out and all of my hard work on handmade invitations and coordinating stationary really paid off in the end!  We also had a blast on our honeymoon in Disney Land!

Second:  We moved!  Goodbye, California!  Hello, Virginia! We spent an entire month doing a cross country road trip.  Stops included Vegas, Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore, and Niagara Falls.  We also got to spend a lot of time with family!

And last but most certainly not least...

Yup!  You saw that right!  We're expecting!!!  Another reason why the blog has taken a back seat, but also another reason I REALLY need to blog more!  I'm a little more than halfway through my pregnancy now (23 weeks) and it's finally starting to feel real.  It's a boy, and yes, he is our little souvenir from our honeymoon :-)

So there's the general update, more to follow, and hopefully I'll get into a couple of memes again as well!


  1. Wow, CONGRATS on the wedding and the little boy!! Can't wait to see pictures of him once he arrives!

  2. Thanks! It's been a busy time to say the least! But it's been fun, and I'm glad that things are settling enough for me to get the blog back together!

  3. Sorry for contacting you through your comments section but I couldn't find an email address on your blog. We found your blog and thought you would enjoy our new website

    Mommy Giggles is a site where moms submit funny pictures to share with other moms to get a giggle out of. They can either be pictures of their kids or of other hilarious “mommy moments”

    We are contacting you to see if you have a funny picture that we could post – we would of course give you the credit, and also post your blog (if you want). There is also a $25 Amazon Gift card drawing to everyone who submits a photo each month.

    We also would appreciate if you could spread the word about our site to other moms too!

    We hope you will get a “giggle” out of our site.

    Warmest Regards,

    Heather Matthews & Heidi Werry

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